Mercy Care Volunteers give the gifts of companionship and friendship. They often develop long-lasting friendship with those they serve. Easing the isolation and loneliness of elders living at home, Friendship Volunteers respond to the individual needs of each person they assist. They provide the benefits of friendship, companionship, assistance, and spiritual care which are not or cannot be adequately provided by family or friends.
Friendship Volunteers complete eight hours of training, covering topics from spiritual caregiving to community resources. Volunteers are screened through background checks, references, and personal interviews.
“I love the things that I have learned from my elders and their families. I also really like to see what an important addition a Mercy Care volunteer can make to an elder’s life and to their families.”
“My Mercy Care Volunteer is more like a sister to me—we share almost the same thoughts and background.”
“When I go out I have someone I can say ‘hi’ to when I run into one of my workers. Before Mercy Care, I really didn’t feel like I ever wanted to go out much. By the friendship of Mercy Care workers and help for rides to doctors and shopping, I feel I can keep going, continuing my life.”