Spiritual Care Companion Volunteer Training

Heaven Hill Farm 304 Bear Cub Lane, Lake Placid, NY, United States

A Spiritual Care Companion Volunteer receives training to accompany an elder on their spiritual journey who may be experiencing loss, grief, spiritual or physical distress, changing living circumstances, joy or blessings. The Spiritual Care Companion serves as a caring presence and compassionate listener to issues of concern to the elder by being fully present in […]

Friendship Volunteer Training May 14th, Lake Placid

Heaven Hill Farm 304 Bear Cub Lane, Lake Placid, NY, United States

Mercy Care Friendship Volunteers are caring people interested in enhancing the lives of elders in the Tri-Lakes region of the Adirondacks.  Imagine the joy and comfort you, as a Mercy Care Friendship Volunteer can bring to an elder neighbor's life.  Volunteers of all faiths are encouraged and welcome to join the Mercy Care family. Friendship […]