Mission & Vision
To enhance the fullness of life of elders living in their community.
Values are concepts of the good or desirable. The mission of Mercy Care is consistent with several Judeo-Christian values which are shared by other religious and humanistic traditions. These values relate to the nature of the person being served, to the care that is offered, and to the objectives of the advocacy being pursued. Mercy Care welcomes to its mission all who respect these values and will be guided by them as they participate in the work of Mercy Care.
Human Dignity: Each person has an immeasurable value and innate dignity that is not diminished by age. Since each person may be considered a creature of God, “Made to God’s image,” the life of each person is cherished and considered worthy of our love and caring. Respect for the dignity of each person includes respect for each person’s freedom to manage and control his or her own life, especially in matters of individual conscience, personal philosophy or religious belief. Mercy Care, therefore, offers care in accordance with the individual interest and desires, values and beliefs of each person respecting the human dignity of each elder and of each person who may be caring for them.
The Social Dimension: The human person is essentially social; isolation and loneliness, severely impact the quality of life. A priority should be given, therefore, to the establishment and strengthening of meaningful social relationships with family, friends and volunteers, to the encouragement of the participation by elders in the life of their communities, and to the promotion of elder-friendly communities.
Mercy: The values of caring for others with mercy is at the core of the mission of Mercy Care. The values of kindness, compassion and concern for the well-being of each person, especially the poor, lonely or infirm, is fundamental to the mission.
Holistic: Since a person is one unique, integrated being, mercy care is holistic, addressing the physical, social, intellectual, emotional and spiritual needs of each person in the context of his or her family and community situation. Mercy care is offered in collaboration with families, and in partnership with faith communities, community organizations, social service agencies and health-care providers. Spiritual care is integral to quality holistic care and a defining characteristic mercy care.
Interfaith: Mercy Care offers counsel and support to elders on their spiritual journey in accordance with each one’s personal desires, values and faith whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim, other faith or of no faith. Care is offered on an interfaith basis and in cooperation with the choice of faith community made by each elder.
Seeking justice with mercy: The opportunity to maintain a fullness of life and to receive needed care should be available to every older adult in accordance with the principles of justice, i.e., fairness. Mercy Care for the Adirondacks advocates for justice and mercy in social and political policies and practices for all elders and for those that care for them.